Talent management and succession planning from Appraisd

Easily map talent from across your organisation, gauge readiness for promotion and identify skills gaps

Connecting performance management with talent planning is something to which a lot of HR teams aspire. But, it’s often too difficult, too clunky or time-consuming. By using the tools within Appraisd, you can draw on performance review data and map this ready for more objective calibration, development and promotion conversations.

Retain talent with people-focused progression

Create an objective view of performance and potential

John’s Year-end review
Do you think John is considering employment elsewhere?
Don't know
Add any comments for HR
I believe John is ...

Adapt a tried and tested methodology to suit your needs

Why the 9-box? We’ve given this tried and tested methodology used by hundreds of our clients a new lease of life by making it fully customisable.

Change the number of boxes, the configuration, descriptions and axis titles to present data based on your organisation’s talent planning model. The grid presents a picture of where skills are and where development is needed. Plus, Appraisd automatically maps scores onto the grid based on manager ratings, ready for calibration conversations.

Foster ongoing career conversations that encourage clear goal setting
Maria’s career development
How ready is Maria for promotion?
Don't know
Not ready
Nearly ready
Add any comments for HR
She need to improve her communication style.
Should Maria be identified as top talent?
Add any comments for HR

Enable more data-driven conversations about promotion and development

Data from talent planning conversations is mapped onto the grid so it can feed directly into calibration meetings - meaning HR and the leadership team can have more data-led conversations about performance and potential.

Appraisd’s pre-defined questions for talent review conversations bring more structure and objectivity to discussions, supporting diversity in the talent pipeline and exposing untapped talent. Subject to data compliance, HR can filter aggregated data based on diversity, helping companies to address subjectivity and bias in talent decisions.

Steve Dania

“I adopt the mindset that every employee is a high potential employee and it’s up to that special individual, the line manager, to tap into it. In our performance management process, we have used Appraisd help people articulate their objectives and asked line managers to define what the standard of performance excellence looks like. That way we can calibrate and evaluate whether people are delivering to expectations.”

Steve Dania
Learning and Development Manager at Sheffield Haworth
Development plan
What's your development goal? Try to include a way of meassuring success
Become a team leader.
What steps will you take to achieve it?
Due by
6 mos
Custom date
Current status
On track

There’s no need for technical support or development

Unlike some HRIS tools, Appraisd’s talent management tools are designed to be used by HR with no need for technical support. But, if you do need it, your Appraisd Customer Success Manager is on hand to help.

Our fully customisable grid and pre-defined talent profiling questions are ready to use as they are, but flexible for you to change them to accommodate your language, your methodology, your process and your cadence.

Bring focus to talent development based on data you already hold about performance

Use our talent development tools out of the box or customise to your needs

Customisable grid
Customise the 9-box model to fit your framework.
Measures of potential
Use our measures of potential to add objectivity to ratings.
Automated mapping
View all talent in the organisation on one grid.
Talent profiling
Identify employees in critical roles, flight risks, training needs or with no successor.
Transparent calibration
View calibrated scores and drag and drop to change.
Interrogate workforce diversity
Report on your workforce based on varied criteria.

“Rolling out and embedding employee development roadmaps has been a priority for Microbyte over the last few years. Appraisd has given us the firm foundations to build these upon and without it the rest of our plans would not be possible.”

Anna Fletcher, General Manager at Microbyte

11-50 employees
Microbyte Office

Why leading organisations choose Appraisd

Shaped by your needs

Our platform is designed to fully accommodate your organisation’s culture and processes.

Adopted by your managers

Appraisd’s simple interface delivers clear value to managers and drives proactive behaviour.

Trusted by your employees

A dedicated performance and development tool, ensuring privacy and integrity in all the information it holds.

Frequently asked questions

Why is talent management important?

For HR, talent management is an important tool in talent attraction, development and retention. From the CEO’s and Board’s perspective, talent management drives overall company performance, innovation and ensures that the businesses can remain competitive.

How can talent management be improved?

Talent management can be improved by taking a proactive, systematised approach that allows for talent to be mapped across the business and any gaps and opportunities identified. Processes including regular feedback, talent reviews, development programmes and targeted skills development should be included in talent management strategies.

What talent management models are available?

A huge variety of management models exist, including the 9-Box Grid, the Talent Pipeline Model and the Integrated Talent Management Model. Each offer its own framework with different emphases on talent acquisition, talent development, and alignment with organisational goals. At Appraisd, our model is based on the 9-Box Grid but with a new take that allows for more customisation, and a more robust methodology for placing people within the grid.

How does the 9-box grid work?

The 9-box grid is used to map employees based on performance and potential. It consists of a matrix with (usually) three performance levels (low, medium, high) and three potential levels (low, medium, high). By plotting employees within this grid, organisations can identify high performers for leadership roles, provide targeted development for mid-level talent, and address performance issues.

Why is succession planning important?

Succession planning helps HR and business leaders to ensure business continuity and stability by preparing employees for their next career transition. It also helps with talent retention and internal mobility by providing structured development opportunities for high-performing employees.  Ultimately, effective succession planning strengthens organisational resilience and supports the long-term strategic goals within the company, while minimising recruitment costs.

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Start building a high-performing culture and retain key talent with Appraisd