Performance Appraisals

Simplify reviews: Choose a dedicated appraisal software

Create an employee performance appraisal framework that suits your business with Appraisd. Take the stress out of performance reviews — for your managers and employees. Speak to one of our advisors to learn how to optimise your performance appraisal methods with Appraisd.

Leading organisations trust Appraisd to simplify their performance appraisal processes
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People in the office using Appraisd
Leading organisations trust Appraisd to simplify their performance appraisal processes
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Paul D., Director Foundation Development
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The perfect solution for our Appraisal needs
"I was delighted to work with the team at Appraisd. They were massively supportive in helping us use and modify their system to do what we wanted. This is the great strength of Appraisd. It is EXTREMELY flexible."
Paul D., Director Foundation Development
Rated 4.7/5 on G2
Rachel Arts, CEO of TalentStorm
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Grater visibility across the company
“For line managers, being able to view objectives and other activities for the whole team is a huge advantage. This helps them to identify needs and put plans in place to address them in a much more effective way.”
Rachel Arts, CEO of TalentStorm
Rated 4.6/5 on Capterra
Neil Wainwright-Farrar, Head of Learning & Development
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Effective progress tracking
“The appraisal system and check-ins features are easy to use and has helped our appraisers and appraisees have full visibility so they can track their performance again company objectives and values.”
Neil Wainwright-Farrar, Head of Learning & Development
Rated 5/5 on Serchen

Workplace performance appraisals can be painful for everyone

Let’s face it, most appraisals end up being irrelevant, tedious and slow. They often alienate employees and make life harder for managers: 

  • The appraisal process is difficult to follow.
  • Finding relevant information is time-consuming.
  • Appraisals are not tailored to the employee or the company.
  • Nothing happens afterwards.

With Appraisd, you can simplify staff performance appraisals, reduce HR admin and empower your people to do their best work.

How Appraisd delivers useful, enjoyable employee performance appraisals

Make appraisals relevant

Enable flexible performance appraisals in the workplace that meet the needs of your employees and your business

Appraisd offers a full suite of performance review tools to help you develop the appraisal approach that works for everyone: 

  • Create tailored templates.
  • Build a library of templates to suit each region, department or team.
  • Use the language that reflects your culture.
Create tailored templates in Appraisd performance management platform
Automate tedious tasks

Our performance appraisal platform improves efficiency by removing slow, laborious duties

Appraisd lets you take the pain out of the performance appraisal process. Use our wide array of performance management review tools to:

  • Automate review cycles.
  • Issue reminders and nudges so appraisals are never missed.
  • Allow easy access to previous appraisals.
Automated review cycles to automate tedious tasks
Support managers better

Provide an easy-to-follow framework for employee performance appraisals

Appraisd’s performance appraisal platform can help your managers put employees in the picture:

  • Show employees how they contribute to the success of the business.
  • Align individual objectives to strategic goals.
  • Reduce admin time.
Managers objectives overview in Appraisd performance management platform
Promote longer term planning

Put the focus on employee development

Make career planning part of staff performance appraisals:

  • Build realistic career maps.
  • Set personal development objectives.
  • Dovetail with succession planning.
Career planning in Appraisd in Appraisd performance management platform
Mark J

I find Appraisd to be really easy to use, both as a user and as an admin. I like that I am able to customise everything I need to from appraisal forms.

Mark J
Director HR Consulting

Our performance appraisal system offers everything you need to achieve your strategic goals and keep your most promising talent

Phone, email and instant chat support pre and post-launch

GDPR compliant and ISO 27001:2017 security certificate

Dedicated customer success contact whenever you need support

Integration with popular HR and comms tools like Slack and Teams

Frequently asked questions

What is performance management software?

Performance management software refers to a range of tools and solutions designed to make the process of performance management easier, quicker and more consistent. At Appraisd, our performance management platform helps  to reduce HR admin and provides a framework to facilitate better organisational alignment between employee performance, talent management and business goals.

Why is performance management important?

Employees want to have a clear focus and the opportunity to develop their skills. Performance management provides this plus it enables you to align your employees’ skills, competencies and talent development with your business goals, ensuring the success of your people and organisation.

How can you evaluate employee performance?

One of the simplest ways to track, measure and review performance management in your organisation is to adopt a dedicated performance management platform like Appraisd. Our software introduces automated scheduling, structured performance reviews, coaching conversations and 360 feedback into your processes — enabling the right conversations at the right time between employees and managers. 

What is the purpose of performance management?

Performance management ensures everyone is on the same page. It provides a framework to ensure everyone is focused on the objectives that will drive the business forward. The success of your employees rests on them feeling that what they are doing is both valuable and valued.

A performance management platform like Appraisd enables you to help teams understand and take ownership of their performance and productivity and create a culture of accountability, through regular reviews, check-ins and feedback.

How can you manage employee performance?

At Appraisd, our dedicated performance management platform helps managers to develop and motivate employees, wherever they are based. Each business has different needs and a different culture. Appraisd has the flexibility to support the performance management process that suits these needs. Features like performance reviews and 360 feedback provide the framework for better conversations, timely feedback and improved talent development.

What is a performance management system?

At its simplest, a performance management system enables organisations to identify, measure, review and reward the outcomes of employees’ work. Generally speaking, an employee performance management system enables regular reviews to discuss objectives, opportunities for managers and employees to stay connected through frequent check-ins and timely feedback.

How can you implement performance management?

Organisations can no longer afford to settle for spreadsheets and manual processes when managing employee performance. Our dedicated performance management platform integrates performance reviews, automated scheduling, coaching conversations and 360 feedback into your management processes. These ensure employees have clear objectives that are aligned with business strategy and have the opportunity to develop and progress within the organisation.

Leading organisations trust Appraisd to simplify their performance appraisal processes
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See immediate benefits in your next appraisals

Make them personal. Make them relevant. Use the results to improve performance and drive growth.