How to…. set good objectives (top ten do’s and don’ts)

Effective objective setting is a collective endeavour between the manager and their employees. Learn how to set good objectives with our handy to ten do's and don'ts guide

Do's and Don'ts of objective setting

We've gathered 10 top do's and don'ts you should consider when creating objectives for your employees.

Good objective setting is critical for businesses and employees. A strong set of aligned objectives gives employees clarity on what they need to deliver and how their performance will be measured and assessed.

Ensure your objectives are SMART and aligned to your business needs with our handy top 10 do's and don'ts guide.

And, if you are preparing objectives and/or holding objective-setting discussions have a look at our guide: "How to… prepare good objectives and hold an effective objective-setting discussion" too.

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A guide for managers and employees to use when setting objectives
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