A selection of email templates to help you communicate your launch of Appraisd
1-month before launch
Subject: The way we get feedback, track goals and manage performance is changing
Hi [first name],
On [insert date] we will be launching a new platform called Appraisd [amend if using a different name] for tracking goals, getting feedback and managing performance. Appraisd is a user-friendly, engaging online tool that you can access at any point throughout the year that you can use to add and update your goals, give/receive feedback, have check-ins with your manager and complete reviews [amend as appropriate].
[Include how Appraisd will help your specific organisation]
<remove if not appropriate> Appraisd has been piloted across three different locations: London, Thailand and San Francisco with positive feedback, including:
“It was slick, effective and much easier to use”
“Very positive feedback in general. I found the system very intuitive, easy to use and accessible.”
We have customized it to work for us and we’ll specifically be using it for [insert unique process here].
Next steps and timings:
- You’ll be given access to Appraisd on [insert date] and invited to log in and familiarise yourself
- You will have the opportunity to attend one of the short online demo sessions [insert dates]
- Before your first review, you will want to add your objectives and personal development goals to Appraisd
- You'll be able to regularly enter progress updates on your objectives in Appraisd and complete check-ins with your line manager online
If you have any questions for us, please contact HR at [HR email address].
1-day before launch
Subject: Look out for a welcome email from Appraisd tomorrow
Hi [first name],
As you know, we have been busy getting our new performance management platform ready for you to use. Appraisd will allow you to review your performance and the performance of your team members (if you’re a manager), track your goals/objectives and share feedback with your colleagues.
We have customized it to work for us and we’ll specifically be using it for [insert unique process here].
We’re very excited to announce that tomorrow will be our official launch day!
Please lookout for an email from Appraisd which will include a unique login link for you to create a password [reword if using SSO]. The email will also include some starter challenges for you to complete to explore the new system, learn how it works and discover the new functionality that will be available for you to use.
If you have any questions for us, please contact HR at [HR email address].
Launch day
Subject: Welcome to Appraisd
Hi [first name],
Welcome to Appraisd!
Appraisd is our new performance management platform that allows you to review your performance and those you may manage, track your goals/objectives and share feedback with your colleagues on the great work that they have been doing.
Once you have logged in, why not complete these challenges to get on top of your performance management and get to know Appraisd better? [amend tasks as appropriate]
- By tracking the progress of goals/objectives, you can see how smaller tasks allowed you to achieve a larger goal/objective. For your first challenge, go to your Goals/Objectives tab and use the ‘set up a new goal/objective’ button to add a goal/objective to the system.
- Alongside role-focused goals/objectives, developing skills outside your career can make you a more well-rounded employee. Go to your development goals/PDP tab and ‘set up a new development goal/PDP’.
- Check-ins are a great way to have conversations about performance management outside of formal reviews. Click on the ‘start a check-in’ button to discuss your current work projects or wellbeing with your manager/team member.
- Try giving a colleague some instant feedback. You can do this by clicking on the 'Give feedback' button on your dashboard.
If you have any trouble setting up your account or completing the challenges, please contact HR at [HR email address] or Appraisd at support@appraisd.com.
1-month after launch
Subject: How to set effective SMART objectives
Hi [first name],
‘Create goals that will inspire, motivate and engage employees.’
Objectives add real value to a company and to its employees. They ensure that the organisation is successful in achieving its mission and helps you to understand how your work contributes to that mission.
Here are some top tips to help make your objectives effective:
- Consider the overall aims and objectives of the business – the most effective goals are the ones that clearly link to the success of the organisation.
- Make objectives Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timed. Think about each one and consider whether you should make it achievable or more challenging to push yourself or your team members to be innovative and tackle things in a different way to usual.
- Set up regular check-ins to review objectives, track progress and ensure they remain relevant and appropriate. Use these conversations to adapt or ditch them if circumstances have changed. Be prepared to be flexible.
- Keep an eye on objectives that become overdue – if they’re complete, close them down, if not, ask yourself why. Does the due date need updating or the objective made more achievable?
For more advice on setting SMART objectives click here.
If you are experiencing any issues with your Appraisd account, please contact HR at [HR email address] or Appraisd at support@appraisd.com.
2-months after launch
Subject: How to conduct a successful check-in [for employees]
Hi [first name],
The benefits of check-ins are becoming increasingly apparent for both employees and line managers. We have a few suggestions below which may help you connect with and engage better with your line manager.
- Take time to prepare: Even if you are having regular updates with your line manager, it pays to spend a few minutes thinking about the things that are important to you to address in that particular check-in.
- Listen: Check-ins are about building up a strong relationship and dialogue between line managers and employees. To do this both parties must feel confident and comfortable to share any concerns or raise any issues.
- Follow up on action points: At the end of every check-in agree on action points for you both, so you know what you need to accomplish before the next meeting. This creates clarity and momentum after your check-ins.
- Take constructive criticism as a personal attack: Your line manager is there to encourage your development and growth within a business. Constructive criticism should help you focus on areas of personal development to ensure that you are successful in your role.
- Shy away from the difficult subjects: If there is a problem you need to address with your manager, it can be hard to discuss it head-on. Take the time before the check-in to think about how you can talk about the issue without inflaming the situation.
- Leave anything unresolved: If you don’t have time to resolve any issues in your check-in, don’t wait until the next one to pick these up. Arranging a quick follow-up when you both have the time will prevent any problems from escalating.
If you are experiencing any issues with your Appraisd account, please contact HR at [HR email address] or Appraisd at support@appraisd.com.
Subject: How to conduct a successful check-in [for managers]
Hi [first name],
The benefits of check-ins are becoming increasingly apparent for both line managers and employees. We have a few suggestions below which may help you connect with and engage better with employees.
- Take time to prepare: Even if you are having regular updates with your team members, it pays to spend a few minutes thinking about the things that are most important to address in this particular check-in.
- Ask your employee what they want to talk about: Ask your team members what they would like to discuss and if there are any areas that you can help them with.
- Follow up on action points: At the end of every check-in agree on action points for both yourself and your team member, so you know what you need to accomplish before the next meeting. This creates clarity and momentum, highlighting how important check-ins are.
- Do all the talking: If your team member has a problem, encourage them to think about what is causing the issue and prompt them to think about possible solutions. If they come to the conclusions themselves, it will help them to find a resolution the next time an issue arises and boost their self-confidence and resilience.
- Feel like you need to have all the answers: It is not a sign of weakness to admit that you don’t know something. Say that you will find out for them and make sure you get back to them when you’ve found out the information that they’re looking for.
- Shy away from the difficult subjects: Take the time before the check-in to think about how you can talk about the issue without inflaming the situation. Let the team member give their side of the story and make it clear that your aim is to find a solution, not to point blame.
For more tips on conducting effective check-ins click here.
If you are experiencing any issues with your Appraisd account, please contact HR at [HR email address] or Appraisd at support@appraisd.com.
3-months after launch
Subject: Getting the most out of feedback
Hi [first name],
If you’re new to giving and receiving regular feedback, you may find it useful to read our top 5 tips for improving your feedback.
We work with hundreds of organisations to help them build an effective feedback culture. From our experience, the following tips can really make a difference:
- Make it as timely as possible. Feedback is most useful when it refers to something that is fresh in the memory. This will either help reinforce good practice or give the recipient an opportunity to amend their approach.
- Don’t give too much feedback at once. Work on the principle of “little and often”. This gives the recipient time to process and act upon it, rather than swamping them with too much information.
- Following up on feedback is an important part of the process. It is not just about giving it but making sure the recipient has understood and acknowledged it, and if necessary, acted upon it.
- Use it positively. Remember, positive feedback provides recognition for a job well done – it reinforces the positive behaviours you want to see more of and can make a huge difference to an employee’s motivation.
- It starts at the top, but it needs to go both ways. Leaders who give and receive feedback frequently and openly will see that behaviour cascade through the organisation.
Ready to give some feedback to a colleague? Login to Appraisd and click Give feedback on your dashboard.
If you are experiencing any issues with your Appraisd account, please contact HR at [HR email address] or Appraisd at support@appraisd.com.
4-months after launch
Subject: Tips for line managers on helping with mental health
Hi [first name],
We hope you are enjoying the Appraisd platform and have already begun booking wellbeing check-ins with your team members.
Ensuring that employees feel comfortable discussing any mental health problems is extremely important due to its impact on the individual and the team. It can be difficult to navigate through these conversations as their line manager and so we have created a few helpful points to consider during these check-ins:
- Make it clear that this is totally confidential and nothing will be shared further if they don’t want it to be.
- Reassure them that they will not be judged – this is a conversation to find out how you can help them bring their best selves to work.
- Ask them about what support would be helpful if they had a problem – would they find it useful to talk to someone or prefer to read advice?
- What is the attitude to their work/life balance? Are they happy to share personal details or do they like to keep the two separate?
Important things to remember:
- Mental health fluctuates naturally, don’t jump in with both feet as soon as you spot a possible problem, let your employee know there is support if they need it.
- Everyone is different and mental health is very personal. Treat everyone as an individual.
- Listening is key. Giving employees’ a safe place to talk is a good place to start solving any problems.
For more advice on conducting mental health check-ins click here.
If you are experiencing any issues with your Appraisd account, please contact HR at [HR email address] or Appraisd at support@appraisd.com.
Have a specific question about implementation?
Give us a call on +44 (0) 20 7202 7979 or email support@appraisd.com right away.