A great performance management process for most companies

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min read
December 24, 2024
Two people having a conversation outdoors
Profile picture of Roly Walter
Roly Walter
Roly Walter
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Founder and CEO

What Reviews should we have?

  1. Have Quarterly performance reviews. These will look at what went well, what was hoped for but didn't materialise, why. These conversations include a review of objectives and personal development plans
  2. The 4th quarter review should include a longer reflection over the past year to see how far the individual has come, celebrate successes, make bigger plans and dreams for the future. Alternatively create a Career Conversation check-in which can be used at any time - employees are entitled to one every 6-12 months

How do people set Objectives

  • Employees enter "What is the objective" and "How it will be achieved / milestones" to keep them SMART
  • They are set with a 3 month timespan
  • Link to company's 1 year strategic objectives if available. If not, don't get hung up on this
  • Optional final rating on each objective such as Exceeded, Met, Partially Met, Did not start

Personal development plan / training needs

  • If you have established training programmes then map them to Appraisd's personal development activities
  • If not, and there are limited structured career plans, then use this to track the employee's own goals and training needs/interests
  • An optional

How should we use Feedback and recognition?

  • Encourage use of Appraisd's instant feedback tool, at least once a month for all managers
  • If you have company values, add Appraisd recognition feature and encourage usage. Send round the recognition wall periodically

What about Check-ins?

  • Monthly check-in conversations on progress, wellbeing and other topics (see our list of templates and choose 3 to start with)
  • Not on an automated schedule, but managers and employee encouraged to use at least 6 a year plus the quarterly reviews
  • Check-ins can be initiated at any time by employee or manager

Teams/Slack integration

  • Ensure that everyone knows about our Teams and Slack apps and has installed them. Ensure IT has approved this - and sometimes IT can enable the apps by default for everyone

Single sign-on (SSO)

  • Ensure SSO is set up using Active Directory / Azure Entra or use Office 365 sign in. Ensure IT has approved Appraisd on behalf of everyone in the organisation

Sync with HRIS

Seeing the project through to completion

By keeping your performance management process simple to start with you'll get great levels of engagement. Here are some more tips:

  • Don't get held up by wanting to launch at "the right moment". You can launch at any time. Worst of all is carrying on with the old broken process and Word docs
  • At launch give employees something simple to do to start with: setting objectives, or having a mid-year review
  • Maintain momentum by iterating quickly. Tell prevaricating managers and SLT that it's best to get something / anything up and running that can easily be adjusted later based on employee and manager feedback. Adopt an agile, iterative approach instead of a once-and-done
  • Lean on the support from your Customer Success Manager. They can help you immeasurably
  • Take advantage of our pre-written emails to announce Appraisd to everyone. Use our train the trainer materials to give everyone a quick overview of the system - or ask us to do it for you

Have a specific question about implementation?

Give us a call on +44 (0) 20 7202 7979 or email support@appraisd.com right away.

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